Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Fastest Race of My Life!

This past weekend was a trip around West Virginia packed with racing. Saturday I was off to Bridgeport to cover the J. Cecil Jarvis Memorial Triathlon. Some of you many remember Cecil since he was an avid cyclist and WVMBA racer. Cecil was killed last year while riding his bike by some jackass kids who though a rubber snake at him. It was really nice to see that over 150 people came out to take part in the tri. Thing went well and my photos for iPlayOutside were not so bad also. I did run into Adam Anderson there and asked him when he was going to get a mountain bike, he answer was NEVER. He said, "you guys crash to much". Ok the guy has turned into a hell of a road racer but that answer was total weak!

After the tri it was just a few miles over to Gina's moms house where we would spend the night. Klara Hitchcock would be meeting us there to crash for the night and car pool the next day. Gina's mom made a killer meal of BBQ chicken and tomato pie for us. We the ended the night by watching the movie into the Wild. Great move if you have not seen it, but a little sad.
Dinner at the Desmond House

The next morning it was a 6am wake up call for the drive to Beckley. We had all kinds of photos from the trip that Klara took to post but she needs a lesson because not one of them came out. The weather was perfect for a race when we got to little beaver state park. I was pumped and ready to race. Unlike the last few races the climbing in this race was limited and it was pretty technical. Perfect for me. At the start the climb was not steep so I told myself to go hard to the top and beat the other to the single track before the log jam happened. Go! The plan was working well I was going hard but the legs were there and the pain was not to bad. I got to the top of the hill and heard people saying my name. How nice I thought to myself. It sure is nice to have people cheer for ya. Then I heard the voices again say JR STOP! Fuck I said to myself. I knew what it was right away. The time system was not working... Well I road over to the finish and worked on it for a while. Turns out I think one of the cords is back. 34 minutes after the start I decided to head out. I would love to say I finished still but after 3 miles I just wasn't into it. I had no interest in making everyone wait for me and going hard for no reason. The biggest bummer is that second may have happened. Everyone who road Clydesdale but the winner had issues during the race.. Ohh well..
Looking good 100 yards into the race

So now I am siting at home looking for the motivation to ride.


Anonymous said...

Every time I see Adam I ask him the same thing then take him down gravel roads on our road bike on purpuse! (Sorry Adam if your reading)

gunnar said...

What in the Sam Hill is tomatoe pie?

And Into the Wild is a depressing and stupid movie.
Depressing cause he was just plain selfish, and he just made the others around him sad when he left.
There are good reasons to include others and have them in your life.
But it doesn't take death's knocking to figure that one out...

Anonymous said...

We had the Third Annual J Cecil Jarvis Memorial Ride, and it was good to have so many people who cared about him come together and respect/honor his memory: